Community Improvement Plan
What is a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)?
A Community Improvement Plan is a municipal planning and financial tool that sets out programs and strategies for improving the built, economic and social environment in designated areas of the Township.
Through the completion of planning initiatives, strategies and several community consultations an action list has been identified by the community with respect to improving the physical, social and business environment, including:
- Stimulate business development
- Revitalize and beautify the villages and waterfront
- Encourage consistency in facades
- Promote infill, intensification and adaptive reuse
- Provide for a range of housing types
- Enhance the quality of life in South Glengarry
For more information, contact our Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator at (613) 347-1166 ext. 2106
Community Improvement Plan Intake Applications
The Township's CIP program is open on a continuous basis. If you have an upcoming project, please reach out to the Economic Development Officer at for more information.
For more information or to fill out a copy of the Community Improvement Plan Application Intake Form see the information below.
Documents and Forms
South Glengarry Community Improvement Plan
SDG County Funding Programs
The County also has grant programs to help businesses grow:
Before and After
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