Planning Applications

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Planning your Project

Depending on your planned project you may require a zoning amendment or certain planning approvals. Our staff will help guide you through planning and development processes.

Before you submit an application...

We offer free pre-consultation meetings with our Planning staff to get a clear understanding of your planned project and to confirm the planning approvals required for the development of a site. We’ll explain the application requirements, timelines and explain potential areas of concern up-front, saving you time and money.

Schedule your pre-consultation with our Planning Staff today!

Form chart

Application Forms, Guides and Fees

Please send application forms to our Community Planner. To mail your application, please see the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Zoning Amendment

If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not permitted by the Zoning By-law, you may apply for a zoning change, also known as a zoning amendment.

Zoning By-Law Amendment Application
Zoning Amendment Guide
Zoning Amendment Application Fee: $1500.00 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Site Plan Control

A Site Plan Control application is required to get permission to develop a non-residential property that meets all planning and development controls.
Site Plan Control Application Form
Site Plan Control Guide
Site Plan Control Application Fee $2000 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Minor Variance 

A Minor Variance allows property owners to vary from one or more of the rules outlined in our Zoning By-law. Permission is granted by the Committee of Adjustment.

Minor Variance Application Form
Minor Variance Guide
Minor Variance Application Fee: $600 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Consent Application (Severance)

A Consent (Severance) application is required to sever a piece of land into one or more lots. The application must be reviewed and signed off by the Municipality and then filed with SDG Counties. The fees for severances are set by SDG Counties.
Consent Application
Consent (Severance) Guide

Part-Lot Control

A Part Lot Control application is required to get permission to divide lots or adjust lot lines in a subdivision.
Part Lot Control Application
Part Lot Control Guide
Part Lot Control Application Fee $500 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Temporary Use By-Law

A Temporary Use By-law may grant permission to use your property in a way not permitted by the current Zoning By-law, for a limited period of time. Temporary Use By-laws are achieved through a Zoning By-Law Amendment.

Zoning By-Law Amendment Application
Temporary Use By-Law Guide
Temporary Use Application Fee: $1500 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Holding Zone Removal 

Holding Zones restrict development on designated lands until certain conditions are met. Complete a Zoning By-law Amendment application to remove the holding.

Zoning By-Law Amendment Application

Holding Zone Removal Guide
Holding Zone Removal Application Fee $750 (Pay Online - Select Payment Type “Planning Permits” and have the roll number from your tax invoice in hand)

Visit our Zoning page to discover:

  • What is a zoning by law?
  • Interactive Zoning Maps
  • South Glengarry hamlet and shoreline maps

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