Accountability and Freedom of Information
MoreThis page contains information about accountability, records management and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Accountability |
Pursuant to the Municipal Act, the Township of South Glengarry has adopted an Accountability and Transparency Policy. This policy addresses the manner in which the Township will try to ensure that it is accountable and transparent to the public for its actions. |
Code of Conduct for Members of Council |
The Township of South Glengarry has established and adopted a Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards. The Code of Conduct sets a minimum standard for the behaviour of Members in carrying out their functions. Anyone who has reasonable grounds to believe that a Member has contravened the Code of Conduct may submit a complaint to the Township's Integrity Commissioner by filing a completed Complaint Form with the Clerk. |
Complaints Policy |
The Township if committed to a consistent and uniform process to respond to complaints received from members of the public regarding programs, facilities, municipal services, staff or operational procedures. Our Corporate Complaints Policy outlines the process for handling complaints. |
Freedom of Information Requests |
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Individuals have the right to access records, including those that contain their own personal information (with certain limitations). To file a request you must complete and submit a Freedom of Information Request Form and pay the $5 filing fee. Additional fees may apply if extensive research and photocopying is required. The Clerk has 30 days to respond to the request unless an extension is required, in which case notification is provided to the applicant in writing explaining the reason an extension is required. Additional information can be found in the Township's Freedom of Information Policy. There are certain records that are available to the public which do not require a formal access request. These records are described in the Routine Disclosure Policy. |
Personal Information Bank Index |
In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, institutions must make available for inspection by the public an index of all personal information banks in the custody or under control of the institution. The Act defines a personal information bank as, "a collection of personal information that is organized and capable of being retrieved using an individual's name or an identifying number or particular assigned to the individual. |
Information Available for Inspection
Pursuant to Section 25 (1) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the head (person responsible for overseeing the administration of MFIPPA for the municipality) must make the following information available for inspection and copying by the public:
A description of the organization and responsibilities of the institution:
- The Corporation of the Township of South Glengarry is a lower-tier municipality located in the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Municipal governments in Ontario are responsible for providing public services and carrying out legislated duties pursuant to provincial legislation. The Municipal Act is a consolidated statute governing the extent of powers, duties, internal organization and structure of municipalities in Ontario.
A list of the general classes or types of records in the custody or control of the institution:
- The Township of South Glengarry utilizes The Ontario Municipal Records Management System to classify records. Please contact the Clerk to inspect the full listing of general classes of records.
The title, business telephone and business address of the head:
- The head for MFIPPA for the Township of South Glengarry is Kelli Campeau, General Manager of Corporate Services/Clerk who can be reached at (613) 347-1166 ext. 2102 or 6 Oak Street, Lancaster, Ontario K0C 1N0
The address to which a request under MFIPPA should be made:
- Requests under MFIPPA should be made at 6 Oak Street, Lancaster, Ontario K0C 1N0 or contact Kelli Campeau to submit an electronic request.
Records Management - Current State Assessment
In 2021 the Township of South Glengarry received funds through the Municipal Modernization Program Intake 2 to complete a Records Management Current State Assessment. The purpose of this third party review was to provide recommendations that will assist the Township in establishing and implementing an electronic document and records management solution.
View the Records Management Current State Assessment Report
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