Speaking Before Council

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Anyone who wishes to appear before Council may request to appear as a delegation. A delegation before Council may include a presentation, a request for action, an update to Council about a project, idea or concept or to provide information about an issue currently before Council for a decision.

Requesting a Delegation

If you would like to appear before Council as a delegation, you must submit a written request to the Clerk no later than 7 calendar days prior to the meeting that you wish to attend. The written request should include information such as:

  • Name of delegate/presenter
  • Subject matter to be presented
  • Preferred meeting date
  • Any relevant documents or presentation materials

The Clerk, in consultation with the Mayor, will make every effort to schedule the presentation as soon as possible and on the requested date, though there is no guarantee.

Delegates are allocated 10 minutes to present. After the presentation, Council may ask questions or make comments. Council does not make any decisions regarding requests made by delegates at the same meeting that they receive the presentation.

For more information or to request a delegation, contact the Clerk

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