COVID-19 Response - Township Services During Lockdown

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COVID-19 Response - Township Services During Shutdown


On December 21, 2020, Premier Doug Ford announced a Provincewide Shutdown, under the COVID-19 Response Framework. The Township Office will be closed to the public at noon on December 24th, 2020 until at least 8:30 a.m. on Monday, January 25th, 2021. The public is encouraged to visit our website or to contact staff via phone or email.

The Township of South Glengarry’s delivery of services will be affected in the following ways:

  1. All Township buildings and the Municipal Office in Lancaster will be closed to the public.
  2. To submit building permits, applications, licensing and cheque payments please use the drop box located at 6 Oak St Lancaster.
  3. All winter recreation programs will be cancelled, and all recreation centres including the Char-Lan Recreation Centre will be closed until January 23rd, 2021. User groups affected by the closure have been contacted by Recreation Staff
  4. Outdoor rinks and parks remain open; residents are asked to respect physical distancing and practice safe hygiene.
  5. Please note, the Township of South Glengarry staff can be contacted through the main office 613-347-1166 or through their email on the Staff Contact Page on the website

The lockdown will not affect the following services:

  1. Garbage collection, recycling and landfill operations.
  2. Planning, Building Department and By-Law. The Planning and Building Department will function with some modifications to service, please contact staff directly for further information or CLICK HERE
  3. Fire Services that are deemed as an emergency.
  4. Roads Department including snow removal, construction and maintenance.
  5. Maintenance Staff will ensure deep cleaning and sanitization of designated facilities, as necessary, along with maintaining safety, security and repairs of our buildings and the arena.

We urge all residents to continue to follow good hygiene practices, social distancing, self isolation if necessary, and heed the direction given by local, provincial and national health agencies. We look forward to returning to normal practices with a healthy community in the very near future.

We will provide regular updates on our website and social media platforms as necessary

For the full document CLICK HERE.

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