Notice of Decision of a Zoning By-law Amendment

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Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of South Glengarry passed By-law 31-18 on May 7, 2018 under Section 34 and 35 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, cP.13 as amended;

And take Notice per Section 34 (19.1) of the Planning Act there is no appeal in respect of the by-law that implements the polices for second units (referred to as secondary dwelling units) described in Section 16 (3) of the Planning Act.


Municipalities are required to put policies in place to permit secondary dwelling units which are intended to help implement the Province’s long term affordable housing strategy.


Second units are self-contained residential units with a private kitchen, bathroom facilities and sleeping areas within dwellings or within structures ancillary to a dwelling (e.g., above laneway garages). Second units are also referred to as secondary suites, basement apartments, accessory apartments, granny flats, in-law apartments, or nanny suites.


The proposed zoning by-law amendment is a housekeeping by-law that will add provisions to permit a secondary dwelling unit in all zones that permit a single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, or a townhouse dwelling unless specifically prohibited elsewhere in this By-law. Please see the provisions below:

  • A secondary dwelling unit shall only be permitted where adequate servicing is or can be made available (septic or municipal waste water).
  • The gross floor area of a secondary dwelling unit must be less than the gross floor area of the primary dwelling unit.
  • A secondary dwelling unit must be constructed to be suitable for habitation year round.
  • Existing accessory buildings that are not in compliance with their front, rear, and side yard setbacks may still be used for the purpose of a second unit.
  • A secondary dwelling unit shall not be permitted on a lot where the primary dwelling unit is legal non-conforming.
  • A minimum of one (1) parking space, which may be a tandem parking space, is required for a Secondary Dwelling Unit. Where a Secondary Dwelling Unit is located within a detached garage, the parking space provided by the detached garage must be retained either within the detached garage or elsewhere on the lot in conformity with the applicable provisions of the zoning By-law. 
  • A secondary dwelling unit shall be permitted in a primary dwelling unit that has inadequate yard size provided the addition of the secondary dwelling unit does not increase to the degree of non-compliance. 
  • A secondary dwelling unit shall not be permitted on lots with a garden suite or boarding house.
  • A secondary dwelling unit shall only be permitted on a lot that has frontage on an open public road.
  • A secondary dwelling unit shall not be permitted in the Limited Service Residential (LSR) Zone.
  • All other provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 38-09, shall be complied with.


This Amendment applies throughout the Township of South Glengarry therefore no Key Map is provided.

Copies of the amendment and any additional information relating to this Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment By-law 31-18 are available for inspection during regular office hours at the Township Office and on the Township’s website at Any questions related to the By-law should be directed to Joanne Haley, GM- Community Services, 613-347-1166 ext. 231 or at

Dated at the Township of South Glengarry this 16th day of May, 2018

Joanne Haley
General Manager-Community Services
Township of South Glengarry
6 Oak Street, P.O. Box 220
Lancaster, Ontario K0C 1N0
Phone 613-347-1166 ext. 231
Fax: 613-347-3411

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