SDG Library - TD Summer Reading Club

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SDG Library has launched their TD Summer Reading Club

SDG Library - TD Summer Reading Club

June 29, 2020

Summer is here and so is the TD Summer Reading Club!

This summer, SDG Library staff are taking their popular children’s reading program online. Literacy-based activities and fun challenges will be offered weekly, for eight weeks, from July 6 until August 28.

The TD Summer Reading Club is a bilingual program, designed to encourage school-aged children to participate in literacy activities during the summer. Each week will offer a different theme centred around the overall idea of “Game On”. A different activity will be released each day through Facebook and the SDG Library website. Activities will include reading lists, storytimes, challenges and virtual meet ups.

“We have had to change how we offer the program, but we’ve made sure it will still be interesting, engaging and entertaining.” said Susan Wallwork, Community Librarian. “Our staff have come up with some great themes and fantastic ideas to connect with participants and keep them reading this summer – even without seeing each other in person!”

Weekly and grand prizes for participating will be offered to encourage participants to read and complete activities. Individuals can register for the program at

For more information about the TD Summer Reading Club program, please visit or contact program organizers at or (613) 577-2426.

About the TD Summer Reading Club TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. This free program is co-created and delivered by more than 2,000 public libraries across Canada. It celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories. It’s designed to inspire kids to explore the fun of reading their way – the key to building a lifelong love of reading. For more information about the program or to find additional activities, visit

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