Thank You to our Roads Crew
The Mayor and Council would like to thank our Roads Crew for their efforts this past week. Our dedicated Plough Operators have faced extreme cold, wind, heavy snowfalls, freezing rain and rain and they have been tirelessly working to maintain the Township road System in these very challenging conditions.
You might not be aware that the Township has one crew of operators and that they are restricted to a maximum of 14 hours of driving time per day. The deployment of our resources has our crew out on Sunday for two passes, Monday for one pass, Wednesday morning for one pass and then all night on Wednesday into Thursday morning to deal with the freezing Rain. A couple of units were out on Thursday afternoon to put material down on some of the icy sections and then all units are again out today putting more material down and making another pass with the ploughs to clean and widen our roads.
We appreciate their efforts and thank the public for their understanding and patience.
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