Two New Murals in Lancaster Celebrate Local Heritage
The Township of South Glengarry marked the completion of two public works of art by hosting a mural unveiling event on Saturday, September 28th, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Lancaster. The event attracted over 200 community members and visitors wanting to view the historic murals installed along the Village’s main street and engage with the designers and artists behind the work.
At 4:00 p.m. Mayor McDonald welcomed community members and visitors to the event before emphasizing, “This event is not just a celebration of art; it’s a celebration of our community, our heritage, and a vision for a vibrant future.” He expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Mural Production Coordinator and South Glengarry resident Noella Cotnam, before presenting commemorative gifts to the participating mural artists.
Mayor McDonald closed his address by encouraging attendees to engage with the artists, support main street businesses, and enjoy the live music performed by the Ceilidh Drovers.
About the Art and Artists:
Loraine Lamb Lalonde from Ormstown, Quebec designed and led the "First Farming Settlers" mural project mounted on the north-facing wall at 181 Military Road. The mural vividly illustrates a farmstead circa 1800. Loraine’s artistic team included Noella Cotnam from Williamstown, Graham Greer from Cornwall, and Jeff Lang from Pennsylvania.
Elaine Wallace from Niagara Falls, formerly living in Lancaster until age 10, designed and led the artists to produce the “Early River Life" mural mounted on 190 Military Road. Elaine’s artistic team included Nancy Beaudette from Massachusetts, Chelsea Hope from Martintown, and Bob Kaschak from New York. The mural illustrates a log driver from the 1800s guiding logs along the St. Lawrence River at Lancaster.
Economic Development Officer and Mural Project Coordinator Jennifer Treverton expressed her gratitude to Township staff for facilitating the event’s success saying, “I couldn’t have completed this project without help from our Fire Department, our Roads and Recreation Departments, and our Planning, Building and Enforcement Department. I’m also grateful to Deputy Clerk Kayce Dixon who worked by my side during the unveiling event. I couldn’t have pulled this event together without their support”.
For details about the mural project, please contact Jennifer Treverton at (613) 347-1166 ext. 2106 or email Photos and videos can be found by visiting the Township of South Glengarry’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
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