Cairnview Park Concept Plan Project
Cairnview Park Concept Plan Project
The Township of South Glengarry is undergoing a concept plan for the undeveloped property, known as Cairnview Park, located at the south end of Monument Way in South Lancaster. This property is approximately 4.5 acres and abuts to the Raisin River. As part of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan that was completed in 2022, it was recommended to investigate the development of this property. This concept plan project was included as part of the 2023 Capital Budget. The Township has commissioned Thinc Design to complete the Concept Plan, they will be working with the Township to undergo community consultation, research, and present options to Council.
Consultation that has taken place:
- The Township of South Glengarry and Thinc Design hosted a Public Consultation event on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Lancaster Legion located at 119 Military Road in Lancaster. The consultation included presentation panels that introduced the project, provide existing conditions with opportunities and constraints. Additionally, participants were able to provide input towards the development. Mailouts regarding the consultation were sent to Lancaster, South Lancaster and Summerstown residents.
Click here to view the Consultation Display Panel
- Online consultation: An online survey was available to all residents from Thursday, November 9 to November 22, 2023.
Final Step
- A final concept plan was presented to Council at the January 15, 2024 Council Meeting
Click here to view Presentation - A follow up report was provided at the February 5, 2024 Council Meeting
Click here to view report
Township of South Glengarry Contact:
Sherry-Lynn Harbers
General Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture
T: 613-347-1166 X 2302
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